Curborough Championship

Graham Harvey- Championship Leader


Although the Championship has been running in almost unchanged form since it’s instigation in 1998, due a few recent comments/questions by competitors it seemed appropriate to just go over some issues for clarification.
Firstly, of course, the Championship was created to fill a void that seemed to be opening as in the 90’s the Midland Speed Championship was getting comments that there was too much travelling involved to do it, as it went from Kent to Yorkshire and into Wales and even Ireland.
It was also to try to get more newcomers into the sport by providing a cheaper, one venue local Championship.
It still aims to do both of those things.
The Championship rounds are chosen, using the 3 SDCC events, and Clubs that will offer to run the same class structures as the Championship. Anyone who has done other events around the country will know that is almost impossible, as different areas and clubs do have their own preferred local classes, and that to attract enough entries to make events viable, clubs have to often be rounds of more than one Championship. Tyre lists, capacity breaks and separating Saloons from Sports cars are three differences that are often found.
Also, just like other Championships around the country, it is important to score any entrant eligible for any MSUK Class at all events rather than just the Championship entrants, or there just simply are not enough entrants in most of the classes to make for a viable, and relevant, Championship.
It is that point that makes it more important for competitors to enter the correct class for their vehicle of course, and check it on the finals list. This can easily, and understandably, be confusing especially for newcomers to the sport.
It is also important to recognise, for instance, that at events like the MGCC rounds, some competitors can be doing two Championships, and their car can be eligible for more than one class So if running in an MGCC class for instance, it will still also score in the corresponding Curborough Championship class, even though they are not running in that class on the day.
That issue, and some club’s class differences does mean that if that is so, please let the organisers know so you are not missed in the results on the day!  It is easily done to miss a competitor at an event as we cannot guarantee to be at every event due to holidays, emergencies or just ill health. Just like the SDCC Club, the Championship is totally run by unpaid volunteers, for the competitors benefit.
The final comment, is a reminder that, according to the MSUK, it is up to each competitor to ensure they enter a class that their car is eligible for, to  not only ease Championship scoring difficulties, and avoid possible protests, but also to ensure the Clubs have bought the correct number of Class Awards on the day, as they obviously have to order them in advance.                                                                                                                   Steve Wood

2024 CURBOROUGH SPRINT CHAMPIONSHIP, supported by  PJS Sports Cars and Paul Green Jewellers .


  2024 CURBOROUGH SPRINT CHAMPIONSHIPsupported by PJS Sports Cars and Paul Green Jewellers.


Curborough Championship

Curborough Sprint Championship 2024

Supported by PJS Sports Cars and Paul Green Jewellers

The Curborough Championship, sponsored again this year by PJS Sports Cars & Paul Green Jewellers, kicks off again this Season with the MGCC single lap opener on April 7th and is contested over 11 rounds.

The Regulations are on the website, and entries are now open using the form on the website, and payment can be by BACS or Cheque as described on the form.

Hopefully for this, the 26th year of the Championship, we will see the usual number of entries of around 70.  

Once again it would be great to see a good number of novices entering, showing the Championship is continuing with it’s original intention of supporting grass root sprinting.

Just the usual reminder, especially to novices, that registration for the Championship does not automatically give you an entry into each round. Most of the Clubs do not cash entry cheques until the event entry closing dates, so unless you chose the online payment that many now offer, so entering them all early does not mean a sudden attack on your bank account!

Early entry into the events you wish to compete in is advised as some of the events are also rounds of other Speed Championships and fill up entries quickly.


Here’s to another successful year in 2024,


         Steve Wood




Championship Dates 2024

MGCCSprintRegs and Entry Form7th AprilSunday
Sheffield & Hallamshire MCSprintRegs and Entry Form21st AprilSunday
BMMCSprintRegs and Entry Form11th MaySaturday
Shenstone & District Car ClubSprintRegs/Entry/Form/Online Entry19th MaySunday
Sheffield & Hallamshire MCSprint Regs & Entry Form2nd JuneSunday
Online Entries2nd June
Owen MCSprintRegs and Entry Form16th JuneSunday
Shenstone & District Car ClubSprintRegs/Entry/Form/Online Entry7th JulySunday
MGCCSprintPage with Regs & Entry Form4th AugustSunday
MCMRCSprintRegs and Entry Form11th AugustSunday
BMMCSprintRegs and Entry Form24th AugustSaturday
Shenstone & District Car ClubSprintRegs/Entry/Form/Online Entry8th SeptemberSunday
List of Curborough Championship Dates for 2024
Round 7

Curborough Sprint Championship


Report on Round 7- SDCC

The Annual July Double Lap SDCC event attracted a decent entry, with many classes well supported.
The event kicked off as usual with great Class Sa of MGZR’s which produced a win, and new class record for current Championship leader Lee Bradford. Second went to co driver Ian Poole with Mike Smith third.
In a good Class Sb entry first and second went to Championship interlopers, Glyn and Jenson Butlin in their Citroen C2 VTS, with the BMW Mini of Joshua Beresford third.
The over 2.0L standard car class, Sd, also had a good entry with the win going to George Gwilliam’s Corsa Club Sport, from Liam Meredith in his BMW Z4 only 0.16sec  back. Third went to the Megane RS of Ivor Williams.
The small capacity Road car class had a win for the MG Midget of Howard Cottrell, with  veteran Martin Domleo a close second in his Fiesta Eco Boost.
The well supported larger capacity Road car class, 1b, saw a Clio Sport  1,2,3 with  Steve Barrow taking the close win from John Fox, and Michael White 3rd. Fourth was the MGZR of Lee Willars.
John Caldicott won the over 1.7L kit car class in his Caterham with Simon Price second in his Westfield. Both drivers recorded exactly the same time, with John taking the class by getting his time on his first run rather than second run as Simon did!!
In the Roadgoing Lotus class the Elise of Martin Roberts came out on top from the similar cars of  David Lee and  Martin Sturman respectively 2nd and 3rd.
3b Mod prod class was again well supported, and ultra-competitive, with the win going to the Golf GTI of Tom Harding, with co-driver Dad Andrew second. The Peugeot 106GTi of Liam Ulyatt was third having had a 0.5 second cone penalty added to his best run.
The over 2.0L Mod Prods saw a great win for the MX5 of Andrew Ward from the Porsche of Steve  Jackson. Charlotte Ward claimed third in the shared MX5 with Rosemary Collins fourth in the MGZS180.
With 7 rounds down, the top 6 is now as below, with the top 3 competitors having to start to drop their lowest scores at the next round.


  1. Lee Bradford               141.5
  2. Stuart Hadley              121
  3. Mark Sturman             120
  4. Graham Harvey           115  (6)
  5. Liam Ulyatt                  115 (6)
  6. Michael White             113 (6)

The next round three rounds, the MGCC, MCMRC, and BMMC August events are all currently fairly low on entries, so get your entries in to avoid late entries causing the clubs to perhaps consider cancellation of low supported events which may make them a loss.

Hope to see many of you at the next round ,

Steve Wood

Round 6
Round 5
Round 4
Round 3
Round 2
Round 1

If you require more information please complete and submit the form below: